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Fare Calculator

Find the best Tube fares for your journey with our Single Fare Finder tool.

Fare Calcuator

Enter two stations and select a passenger type to find fares.

About our Fare Calculator

This tool allows you to find out how much a Single fare costs between two stations of your choice. At present, this only works for stations within the TfL network.

All you need to do is select two stations and the type of fare you want to find - and then click "Calculate Fare". You will then be shown the available fares, which often includes the Peak and Off Peak Oyster/Contactless fares and, if available, the cost of a paper Single ticket.

Some stations, for example Reading, are outside the Oyster zones, so you won't be able to use an Oyster card for that journey. If this happens to be the case, you will see a note at the top of the page.

For some journeys, you will be shown an "Alternative Fares" section. These journeys often avoid Zone 1 and are cheaper but may be slower or require more changes.

Make sure you select the appropriate fare type, e.g. Adult if you are using a Contactless or Oyster card with no discounts. If you have a different type of Oyster card, be sure to select it in the dropdown.

This website does not sell tickets. If you need to purchase paper tickets, you can do so at the station or elsewhere online.

Why use our fare calcuator?
  • Find the best value: quickly compare different fare types to see which is the most effective for your trip.
  • Plan ahead: calculate your travel costs in advance, allowing you to budget more effectively.
  • Explore options: discover alternative routes that might save you money if you're not in a hurry.
  • Avoid suprises: know the expected price beforehand so you're not caught offguard by suprise charges.